Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hunger Games: Character and Theme Analysis

Tim LaBud
CI 401
Themes in Novels:
A Writing Exercise (Grade 9)
I. Standards and Objectives
a. Reading Standards for Literature # 3: Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
b. Writing Standard # 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
II. Procedures
a.     Begin class by showing several specific clips from the movie version of The Hunger Games:
                                  i.         Scene where Peeta states his desire to maintain his identity
                                ii.         Scenes where Katniss vouches to win the games at all costs
b.     Review the concept of themes in literature and other works. Provide examples from other relatable works
c.      Discuss the themes present in The Hunger Games in small groups. Ask students to provide examples from the text that support their ideas.
                                  i.         Fighting for your convictions
                                ii.         Inequality between rich and poor
                               iii.         Suffering as entertainment
                               iv.         The importance of appearance
d.     As a class, share the ideas that were generated by the small groups
e.     Drawing on one of those themes (fighting for what you believe in), introduce the topic for writing activity: Think of a time that you have had to stand up for something you believe in.
f.      Pass out the activity worksheet and read the assignment description aloud. Allow time for questions from the students
                                  i.         Have class brainstorm own ideas of a time that they had to stand up for something/someone. Answer questions on worksheet individually
                                ii.         Write a short narrative of the experience
                               iii.         Compare their own actions with the characters Katniss and Peeta; explain how their experience can relate to one or both of the characters

III. Assessment
a.     Reading standard for literature # 3 is assessed through class discussion about developing themes and their relations with two major characters of The Hunger Games. Students should exhibit a general understanding of how the characters actions drive the message of the text’s author.
b.     Students will demonstrate their ability to support analysis of major characters in relation to the theme as they compare their narrative with the actions of Katniss and Peeta in the final writing exercise of the worksheet.


Name ___________________________
Date ___________________________

Themes and Me

Themes are often a message from the author or the moral of a story. These themes can usually relate to our every-day lives. Consider the themes present in The Hunger Games. One of the main themes is the preservation of individuality and identity. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark both talk about their personal beliefs and discuss how they plan on fighting for what they believe in while in the arena. Katniss says she will do anything to win the games for her younger sister, even if it means killing another tribute, and Peeta talks about how he doesn’t want the games to change who he is, even if he has to die to maintain his humane identity.

Think of a time that you have ever had to stand up for something you believe in.  
What were you standing up for? Were you defending somebody else? A religious belief?  ________________________________________________________________________________________

Where were you? When did it happen?
            Why did you have to take a stand/why was it so important to you?
            Who was involved?
            What was the outcome?

Write a short narrative (1-2 paragraphs) of your experience! Use your answers from above to guide your writing.


Compare your experience with the characters in the book! Did you act more like Katniss or Peeta? How?

I acted like Katniss because:
            1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
            2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
            3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________

I acted like Peeta because:
            1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
            2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
            3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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